Monday, 17 October 2011

A Lovely Spread!

This afternoon was Gorgie Farm's AGM, and we were delighted to host this in the cafe. Of course, it was also a chance for us to show off some of our home-baked treats, and as the picture demonstrates we put on quite a spread! The attendees were treated to a selection of pastries and quiches, a 'Ploughman's Platter' with homemade chutney, a lovely farmhouse orange sponge cake, lemon cupcakes and our bestseller, indulgent chocolate brownies - which didn't last very long! Luckily the food went down a treat with everyone and we're now all really looking forward to next week's refurbishment, after which the cafe's decor will hopefully be at as high a standard as the food on offer.

Things are starting to come together now, with chairs and tables being delivered, paint colours chosen and curtains measured. It's safe to say we're all very excited to see the cafe brought up to date, and the staff are particularly chuffed to be getting a dishwasher installed!

Watch this space for more updates and pics...

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